Our work

Development of Mr Appado's website, offering law courses at his office.

Mr appado website

Capture d'écran de la page d'accueil du site web de Maître Appado

Development of Mr Appado's website, offering law courses at his office

Explore Mr Appado's website, offering law courses for all levels of education.

Our web agency had the pleasure of carrying out the development of his website. 

we have accomplished:

  • A bilingual website containing a description of the law courses he offers and showcasing his career as a solicitor.
  • A design suitable for all screen sizes.
  •  Intuitive navigation.
  • A contact form.

Why invest in a showcase or e-commerce website?

création de site web professionnel

Do you want to learn more about the numerous advantages for your business of investing in a showcase or e-commerce website developed by Lakaz Web agency?

Explore our pages and find the web solution that matches the needs of your business.

Showcase Websites

Visit our Showcase Websites page to discover the benefits they bring to your business and the features of our solutions.

E-commerce Websites

Visit our E-commerce Websites page to discover the benefits they bring to your business and the features of our solutions.